An uninformed critic isn’t much of a critic

Posted February 10th, 2013 in Opinion, Shelters and tagged , , by Josh

People have very strong feelings about Nathan Winograd and the “No Kill” shelters that his No Kill Advocacy Center work to create. I find that the majority of the people that criticize him and what he speaks about haven’t even read any of his books or his website. Instead they tend to parrot back a catchphrase or two, which ultimately amounts to getting the news of the world through a media sound byte, and just dismiss everything else as routine. They don’t want to read anything, they don’t want to hear anything, they don’t want to even attempt to understand it, they’d just rather call him a name and say what he talks about is “impossible.” They can’t tell you why it’s impossible because reality often shows that they have no idea what they themselves are even calling impossible. This attitude is a huge disservice to animals everywhere.


Shortly down the thread…


Again, don’t accept another person’s version of what is actually discussed in these books (many people’s versions are hearsay in and of themselves, so we have a multiplication of hearsay), instead read them for yourself and then do this crazy thing that’s called “coming to your own conclusion.” Whether it’s ultimately supporting or not supporting his claims is beside the point, because at least then you have the potential to actually know what you’re talking about when you move to either criticize or praise.