Rant against autistic boy parallels anti-Pit Bull trolls

Posted August 20th, 2013 in Discrimination, Prejudice and tagged , , , by Josh

The parallels between the hateful rant below, which was aimed at an autistic Canadian boy, and the vile garbage routinely spilled online by anti-Pit Bull hatemongers like Colleen Lynn, Dawn James, Korey Nelson and their klan of fake profiles is too rich to pass on noting. Look at this…


Doesn’t this type of disgusting rhetoric sound familiar? The creature who anonymously wrote the above letter goes so far as to say that this boy’s family should “do the right thing and move or euthanize him.” Prior to this they tell the family to “go live in a trailer in the woods or something with your wild animal kid.” Just before that they note that “he is a hindrance to everyone and will always be that way.” They then write “what the hell else good is he to anyone” after suggesting that his working organs be “donated to science.”

Yeah. This letter pretty much sums up many of the sycophantic followers of DogsBite.org. You could literally slide the references to the boy out and insert the noted breed of dog in and we are dealing with the same level of vitriolic ugliness. Discrimination is discrimination. Hate is hate. That is all.