The NO kennel card epidemic

In many shelters across this state, dog cages (primarily those housing Pit Bulls) are being left without having kennel cards attached… My video attempts to illustrate this, by doing a random walk-through where all of the video clips were taken within 1 hour of each other. This specific example was shot at the Carson shelter in Gardena, California.

What this creates is a MUCH more difficult time for the general public, be it networkers or worse, the actual potential adopters. Instead of having all of the relevant information displayed correctly, many dogs have nothing, which then forces people to have to go into the office and wait (sometimes multiple hours when busy) just to ask a question concerning an ID# or anything else that may be of interest. This drastically reduces the already slim chances that a dog has to make it out alive. Also, the phone system is just as bad, so if someone opts to go home and instead call at a later time, they may find themselves on hold for 30+ minutes, or at times FAR longer. This is UNACCEPTABLE.