There’s absolutely no doubt that this is Buck

^Where the little white knob is present above the tip of the triangle, in both pictures, solidifies to me that this is in fact 100% Buck. How the white dips down over his back is slightly altered due to the differing camera angles and because the corpse in the 2nd image is bloated. To those still claiming that this isn’t him, shame on you. To those people calling in death threats to the puller, who has openly acknowledged her terrible mistake in judgment and was trying to make it right, shame on y’all too. To Audra Aldridge, who continues to deflect much of the deserved blame, shame on you.

Rescuers: Please be better. Please download this. Please read it. Please think about the points. I’m not claiming to have all of the answers but it’s certainly a foundation to build on. Please take what you do far more seriously! These homeless animals need you. RIP to Buck… RIP to the countless others who have gone unnoticed.