Willing adopter ignored by Carson shelter staff, leaves

Posted July 14th, 2012 in Opinion, Shelters and tagged , , , , by Josh

I was able to make small talk with this guy on the way out of the shelter. I was also in the lobby during his multiple attempts at getting any kind of assistance. He walked in 3 different times in a span of around 45 minutes, no one ever took the initiative to help him or see to it that someone else help him.

Neither of the front desk girls even got out of their chairs. The manager was in his office, with the door shut, approximately 5 feet away. They didn’t pull anyone aside, they didn’t tell Gil (the manager), they didn’t walk to the back room to check for someone, they didn’t go anywhere themselves to at least show the guy that some amount of effort was being made. They barely even responded to, or acknowledged him. All they did was ask each other if there were any volunteers on the floor today.

This all happened the night of March 22nd. I immediately made a post about what I’d seen on my Facebook page, and the comments started rolling in. A frequent rescuer at Carson added her 2 cents, actually posting that the day before this happened she had witnessed another potential adopter walk out after being denied a “play pass” because the desk workers failed to track down a kennel attendant. Instead of getting off of their asses to go look, they just made the call that “they aren’t giving out play passes at this time.” So charming of them. All of this is totally, totally, totally unacceptable behavior from anyone being employed in this line of work.