You should hear this

Posted July 18th, 2012 in Opinion, Rescue and tagged , , , , by Josh

No one wants to focus on or give any attention to “WHY” something has happened. Even rescuers. They make a string of bad decisions, shit hits a fan, and it’s all of a sudden someone else’s fault, or the blame is attempted to be wrongly tossed in 1 direction instead of honorably shared. This is no different than when there’s a dog “attack” and then the dog involved takes the total blame for his treatment, his environment, his surroundings that likely manifested this “attack,” and yet the owner goes freely about their merry way. Then all dogs of that breed are demonized, and their genuine contributions as a whole get soiled in the eyes of outsiders due to this singular circumstance that involved 1 dog. The same thing is true when an irresponsible rescuer bottoms out, then flails in every direction in an attempt to deflect their share of the blame. Now all rescuers look bad. Common sense, folks. You can’t claim to be a Pit Bull advocate and then live your life that happens outside of that specific pocket in a way that ultimately boxes up others unfairly, the same way Pit Bulls are boxed up daily. Think about it.